Health & Safety Solutions to Live By – Q1 2023

CD & Associates’ Construction Health and Safety Specialist, Obbey Thaxton has successfully completed a 162-hour certificate program focused on construction safety management to become a “Construction Safety and Health Manager” (CSHM).
The CSHM program consists of 33 separate courses covering topics ranging from safety supervision and leadership to accident/ incident investigation; the CSHM program also includes hazard and OSHA standard-specific technical trainings. The CSHM program is designed for current or potential OSH managers or directors in the construction industry who are responsible for establishing or managing their organization’s safety and health program.

CD & Associates’ Construction Health and Safety Manager, Tom Hubicki has successfully completed “Construction Health and Safety Technician®” (CHST®) Certification by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP).
All BCSP certifications are accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). BCSP certifications meet such high professional standards that they are recognized as model credentials worldwide. We want to recognize the commitment it takes to prepare for this certification in order to pass a closed book (4) hour proxied exam. It takes many years of experience dedication and studying to achieve the title of CHST®.
CD & Associates’ Project Superintendent, David Kosick has successfully completed the “Occupational Hygiene and Safety Technician®” (OHST®) Certification by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP).
The OHST® certification demonstrates a professional’s occupational hygiene knowledge and skills and is typically achieved by safety and health practitioners responsible for industrial hygiene and occupational safety. Prior to transitioning to his current role as a Project Superintendent, Dave supported CD & Associates projects as a a safety and health professional.

All BCSP certifications are accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). BCSP certifications meet such high professional standards that they are recognized as model credentials worldwide. We want to recognize the commitment it takes to prepare for this certification in order to pass a closed book (4) hour proxied exam. It takes many years of experience dedication and studying to achieve the title of CHST®.
Obbey, Tom and Dave are all valuable members of the CD & Associates’ construction management team who bring decades of technical construction and safety knowledge to everything they do. Obbey, Tom and Dave have all successfully implemented construction and safety efforts on several project sites in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
Congratulations, Obbey, Tom and Dave!

CD & Associates is proud to announce that we are certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) for the 14th year in a row! We have been certified through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s leading third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women.
The WBENC standard of certification is a meticulous process, including an in-depth review of the business and a site inspection. The certification process is designed to confirm the business is at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by a woman or women, and that the business has appropriate structure and strategic business planning and implementation in place.
By including women-owned businesses among their suppliers, corporations and government agencies demonstrate their commitment to fostering diversity and the continued development of their supplier diversity programs, which in turn empowers women as leaders and brings about a more diverse, balanced and sustainable economy.

What a great way to end 2022! We are proud to announce that CD & Associates has received the Gold Safety Award! This award is presented to companies that register a safety score 85-95% in the Safety Assessment Program administered by Highwire. We empower our entire team to LIVE for Safety at all times and are proud to be recognized for our superior safety management program.

CD & Associates is proud to give back and make a positive impact. In 2022, we lead the way in our community by helping advance important causes we believe in, including:
- Creating equity in education
- Promoting good physical and mental health for all
- Supporting the empowerment and development of underprivileged girls
- Advocating for women in construction
- Giving thanks for our armed forces
Looking forward to continue supporting our community in meaningful ways in 2023!